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J Plasma in Turkey: For an innovative solution for tightening your skin at best price

Due to age, genetics or a rapid weight loss, your skin might start to look like sagging up, this can be problematic for many people as it gives them a bad figure to their body.
Saggy skin can make you look like you are overweight or older than you really are, there are so many ways to lose excess skin like abdominoplasty or a tummy tuck.
But today we will be talking about one of the most highly advanced procedures for removing unwanted skin and that is the J plasma procedure.
J-Plasma is a highly common procedure in both Turkey or Tunisia, and will be done by our very best cosmetic surgeon.
J-plasma is a technique of micro surgery to tighten the skin which has invisible scars and a fast recovery time, basically it is a non-invasive solution for sagging skin all over the body.

The information provided by Medespoir.com on J-Plasma in Turkey does not replace the consultation and diagnosis of the cosmetic surgeon.

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What is J-Plasma?

J-Plasma is a micro surgery to treat sagging skin, the procedure is none surgical and leaves no scars behind.
What is special about J Plasma is that unlike other fat removal procedures where you have to work on each area individually, Jplasma allows you to treat sagging skin on several areas of your body at the same time.
Jplasma can treat many areas of your body at the same time such as:

  • Your neck.
  • The oval of the face.
  • Your arms.
  • Your stomach.
  • Your thighs.
  • Your knees.

J-Plasma is a technology that combines the properties of Radio Frequency and cold helium plasma, this combinations creates an ionized gas that stimulates collagen production which immediately tightens loose skin.
The results are visible immediately after the end of the treatment.

What are the benefits of J-Plasma?

The procedure is very special in its performance and technique, utilizing some of the most technologically advanced medical tools in the market.
With that it's easy to see why j-plasma has so many benefits, some of those benefits are:

  • It's not surgical so no need to use a scalpel.
  • Tiny scars and therefore completely invisible.
  • There is no skin burning, or tissue damage.
  • It takes less than 1 hour if you get no liposuction.
  • Immediate and lasting visible result.
  • Can be used to smoothen your facial skin.
  • The treatment concerns all the layers of the aging skin.
  • Choice of local or general anesthesia.
  • You can work on the Top layer of your skin or have a deep skin treatment.

Can you combine J-Plasma with liposuction?

Combining liposuction with a J-Plasma session considerably improves the retraction of the skin after liposuction, especially on areas where your skin retraction is more difficult in areas such as:

  • Neck.
  • Inner thighs.
  • Arms.
  • Back.

Having a jplasma surgery after your liposuction can enhance the results of the first procedure and make your body's figure appear more slim, young and very healthy.

What happens during j-plasma surgery?

Based on your test results and your condition, your doctor will choose the type of anesthetic that best suits you either local or general.
After applying the anesthetic, the doctor will begin the surgery by making a very small incision under your chin and behind your ears.
The surgeon chooses these two areas to better hide the very small scars.
After that the doctor will deliver a combination of helium gas and RF through a small cannula that is attached to the device.
The doctor may also use plasma energy to treat your skin, this is done by delivering the plasma beam through the incision, this beam will start to break down and remove all unwanted fat tissues and tightens up your skin.
The heat radiating from the beam actually triggers your body's natural healing capabilities by stimulating it to produce new collagen cells; these cells will help rejuvenate your treated areas.

What happens after having the j-plasma procedure?

The recovery period of jplasma is significantly shorter than other fat removing and skin tightening procedures.
Your doctor will suggest wearing a tight compression garment for the first 72 hours after the surgery.
The results are lasting, the skin is tightened, and the effects are visible immediately and improves after 6 months.
Make sure you always keep up with your follow-up appointments so that your doctor may assess your healing.

J Plasma turkey price

The effectiveness of the result after a J Plasma procedure is proven.

It's only natural that you should want to take advantage of the benefits of this technique to firm up your skin.

The affordable J Plasma solution in Turkey is the way to enjoy the benefits of this treatment while performing another operation, such as liposuction.

Prices at our clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, depend on the number of areas to be treated for sagging skin, and whether the treatment is complementary to another plastic surgery procedure.

On average, compared with the price of J Plasma Renuvion in the U.K., you'll save 50 to 60%.

Prices for J Plasma skin resurfacing in Manchester, for example, start at £3490.

Get a J Plasma quote at a very attractive price